21st Century Skills and Competencies
A broad set of knowledge, skills, habits and traits that are important to succeed in today's world
(Im Kontext der wiederholten Weiterentwicklung des Mozilla Web Literacy Standard (2013) wurde deutlich, dass eine Verknüpfung mit übergreifenden 21st Century Skills and Competencies fehlt. An der Erstellung wurde unter Beteiligung vieler Freiwilligen insbesondere im Digital Skills for Digital-Age Leadership Development project gearbeitet - siehe hierzu auch 21C Skills Rubrics.)
As people learn to read, write, and participate on the web, a cross-cutting set of 21C Skills emerge as skills critical to success in today’s world. They enable individuals to become teachers, advocates, and community leaders to leverage and advance the web as an open and public resource.
The following 21C Skills correspond to the specific web literacy skills indicated below:
Using research, analysis, rapid prototyping, and feedback to formulate a problem and develop, test, and refine the solution/plan.
- Identifying and defining a specific problem, challenge, or questions to investigate based on sound research and relevant data.
- Generating relevant questions based on observations.
- Conducting independent research to develop hypothesis and research plan to solve the problem.
- Proposing knowledge-based explanations to develop hypothesis and research plan to solve the problem.
- Applying feedback, data, and research to revise and iterate on the plan as a part of the process.
Web Literacy Skills
- Read: Search, Navigate, Synthesize, Evaluate
- Write: Design, Compose, Code, Revise, Remix
- Participate: Share, Contribute, Connect, Protect, Open Practice
Being audience and culturally aware, resolving conflict appropriately, using technology tools effectively, and taking responsibility for personal and group productivity.
Audience & Cultural Awareness
- Engaging in behaviors and actions that show an awareness of and sensitivity to stereotyping and cultural bias.
- Using language that is appropriate to the purpose of the interaction and audience.
- Differentiating between appropriate and inappropriate behavior and actions to the purpose of the interaction and audience.
Conflict Resolution
- Redirecting focus toward common ground and the task at hand.
- Engaging with conflict in a way that strengthens overall coherence.
- Negotiating shared understandings during conflict.
Use of Collaboration Technology
- Participating in selection and utilization of technology tools that enhance group productivity.
- Following norms and conventions of communicating in online forums.
- Demonstrating an understanding of the way technology impacts one’s own and others work or views.
Responsibility and Productivity
- Preparing for obligations by reading, researching, and completing actions on time.
- Submitting high-quality work products that meet goals.
- Prioritizing and monitoring individual and team progress toward goals and making adjustments as needed.
- Engaging in self-critique and self-reflection on strengths and areas of need.
- Demonstrating ways that collaboration can lead to better productivity.
Web Literacy Skills
- Participate: Share, Contribute, Connect, Open Practice
Generating, connecting, synthesizing, transforming, and refining ideas.
- Utilizing idea-generating techniques to develop or revise original ideas.
- Synthesizing various information to transform ideas into new forms.
- Drawing connections between ideas using a variety of organizational techniques, such as categorization, prioritization, or classification.
- Comparing one’s ideas with others to identify similarities and differences.
- Seeking out and using feedback and critique to revise products and ideas.
- Articulating ideas clearly and appropriately.
- Incorporating new approaches that may be untested and potentially risky.
Web Literacy Skills
- Write: Design, Revise, Remix
- Participate: Share, Contribute, Open Practice
Understanding and presenting verbal and nonverbal messages effectively.
Message Development
- Organizing presentation of ideas to appropriately inform and engage others.
- Choosing effective modes and methods of presentation to most effectively convey ideas.
- Evaluating one’s own interpretation and seeks data and evidence to enhance understanding of others.
- Discerning credible and relevant sources to bolster meaning and enhance understanding.
- Analyzing messages from others for implicit or explicit meaning to inform one’s own approach.
- Seeking guidance to refine technique/approach to enhance effectiveness.
- Adjusting presentations based on anticipated and unanticipated challenges and/or feedback.
- Writing with appropriate clarity, grammar and punctuation, and necessary information.
Group Contributions
- Initiating opportunities to communicate, interact, and work positively with individuals and groups.
- Using appropriate tone, clarity, and styles of interacting with individuals and groups.
- Building upon or synthesizing the contributions of others in a way that facilitates contributions by others.
- Evaluating and adjusting one’s own level of active engagement and degree of participation in group settings.
- Offering alternative solutions that build on the ideas of others where appropriate.
Web Literacy Skills
- Read: Synthesize
- Write: Compose, Remix
- Participate: Share, Contribute, Connect, Open Practice